Employer Qualifications

CareerWise works with strategic-minded business partners that have a strong interest or motivation in producing their own talent for in-demand roles.

Employer Qualifications

CareerWise works with strategic-minded business partners that have a strong interest or motivation in producing their own talent for in-demand roles.

Do you have a talent problem?

Answering these questions can help you determine whether you have a problem and why apprenticeship may be the solution.

  • Does your company have an early-career, middle-skill talent pipeline problem?

  • Do you have trouble recruiting or finding good applicants for early career, middle-skill positions?

  • Do you have trouble retaining good entry-level talent?

  • Does your business’ early career talent problem align with the industries and occupations CareerWise supports?

    Career pathways are job families within an industry: Business Operations (ie Project Management, HR, Marketing), Information Technology (ie Computer Technician), Financial Services (ie Universal Teller); or Industry Specific: Healthcare (ie Certified Medical Assistant) and Advanced Manufacturing (ie Production Technician).
  • Do you want your business to have a more diverse workforce in terms of age, gender, or ethnicity?
  • Does your company have the internal capacity to host, supervise, and train apprentices? (Typically, these are businesses with 10 or more employees and support from C-level)


  • Does your organization and decision-makers think this talent issue is a strategic and urgent problem to solve?


  • Does your company understand the financial costs of their underperforming talent pipeline and have an interest in investing in a better solution?
Interested in learning more, contact Careerwiseec@heaindiana.org