CareerWise works with strategic-minded business partners that have a strong interest or motivation in producing their own talent for in-demand roles.
Employer Qualifications
CareerWise works with strategic-minded business partners that have a strong interest or motivation in producing their own talent for in-demand roles.
Do you have a talent problem?
Answering these questions can help you determine whether you have a problem and why apprenticeship may be the solution.
Does your company have an early-career, middle-skill talent pipeline problem?
Do you have trouble recruiting or finding good applicants for early career, middle-skill positions?
Do you have trouble retaining good entry-level talent?
Does your business’ early career talent problem align with the industries and occupations CareerWise supports? Career pathwaysare job families within an industry: Business Operations (ie Project Management, HR, Marketing), Information Technology (ie Computer Technician), Financial Services (ie Universal Teller); or Industry Specific: Healthcare (ie Certified Medical Assistant) and Advanced Manufacturing (ie Production Technician).
Do you want your business to have a more diverse workforce in terms of age, gender, or ethnicity?
Does your company have the internal capacity to host, supervise, and train apprentices? (Typically, these are businesses with 10 or more employees and support from C-level)
Does your organization and decision-makers think this talent issue is a strategic and urgent problem to solve?
Does your company understand the financial costs of their underperforming talent pipeline and have an interest in investing in a better solution?
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